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Beautiful Leaves - 370 Items

Anthurium Tricolor Hookeri

Anthurium Tricolor Hookeri - A rare, enormous leaf...

Philodendron Green Imperial

Philodendron Imperial Green never fails to draw th...

10 Varieties Of Bigonia

We have more than 50 varieties bigonias in our col...

10 Varieties Of Croton

Codiaeum is a genus of plants under the family Eup...

100 Types Coleus / Colius

The variability in patterns is amazing, with solid...

12 Varieties Of Philodendron - Top Cuttings

12 Varieties of Philodendron are :
(1) Philode...

15 Different Varieties Of Sansevieria

Below you can explore our amazing  Sansevieria v...

Alocasia Hilo Beauty

Caladium praetermissum, also known as alocasia hil...

Alocasia Amazonica

Alocasia Amazonica is a hybrid from the parents Al...

Alocasia Amazonica Ivory Coast

A hybrid of Alocasia x amazonica and Alocasia Auro...

Alocasia Baginda Dragon Scale

As one of the most stunning Jewel Alocasia varieti...

Alocasia Baginda Green Shield

Alocasia Green Shield is a low-maintenance tropica...

Alocasia Black Stem Elephant Ear

Alocasia macrorrhiza, commonly known as Black Stem...

Alocasia Black Velvet

The Alocasia Black Velvet, common name Black Velve...

Alocasia Cucullata

Alocasia Cucullata is one of the best and easy to ...

Alocasia Cucullata Mint

Variegated Alocasia Cucullata is a beautiful house...

Alocasia Flying Squid

Alocasia plumbea, Flying Squid is a tropical house...

Alocasia Jacklyn

Alocasia Jacklyn is a stunning Aroid with deeply l...

Alocasia Lauterbachiana

Alocasia lauterbachiana, the purple sword, silver ...

Alocasia Longiloba Lowii

Alocasia longiloba is herbaceous plant that grows ...

Alocasia Longiloba Variegated

Alocasia longiloba variegated Starter Plant The a...

Alocasia Maharani Grey Dragon

This is one of the rarest varieties of Alocasias, ...

Alocasia Melo

Alocasia melo is a striking species of Alocasia wi...

Alocasia Micholitziana Frydek

Alocasia micholitziana Frydek, commonly called Gre...

Alocasia Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse is a rare plant that belongs to the A...

Alocasia Nebula

Alocasia nebula could perhaps be one of the most b...

Alocasia Pink Dragon

This Alocasia is native to Southeast Asia and Aust...

Alocasia Plumbea

The arrow-shaped leaves sit on large petioles and ...

Alocasia Portadora Low Rider

Alocasia Portadora Low Rider, a unique Alocasia th...

Alocasia Portei

Alocasia portei (Malaysian Monster) this large gro...

Alocasia Remusatia

They thrive in moist soils with high organic matte...

Alocasia Sanderiana

Alocasia sanderiana, commonly known as the kris pl...

Alocasia Silver Dragon

Alocasia Silver Dragon is an extraordinary plant t...

Alocasia Stingray

A unique and distinctive houseplant with its sting...

Alocasia Triangularis

Alocasia triangularis, commonly known as Triangula...

Alocasia Zebrina

This unique Alocasia sports the characteristic shi...

Alocasia Zebrina Reticulata

Reticulata is a cultivar of Alocasia zebrina, whic...

Angel Wing Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Anthurium Bakeri

The species is known from Guatemala to Colombia in...

Anthurium Big Bill

Anthurium Big Bill is a cross between anthurium pe...

Anthurium Black Dragon

It is a herbaceous plant with a rosette growth for...

Anthurium Crystal Hope

Anthurium Crystal Hope is an easy growing south Fl...

Anthurium Crystallinum

Anthurium crystallinum is a species of flowering p...

Anthurium Crystallinum Miniature

This stunning houseplant has an iconic heart-shape...

Anthurium Digitatum

It is known for its long, slender stems that bear ...

Anthurium Dorayaki

Anthurium Dorayaki is a stunning hybridised form o...

Anthurium Dressleri

Dressleri is gorgeously velvety and so incredibly ...

Anthurium Esmeraldense

Anthurium esmeraldense is a captivating and relati...

Anthurium Fingers

The anthurium pedatoradiatum aka the anthurium fin...

Anthurium Hoffmani Red Sinus

Anthurium hoffmannii red sinus is a cultivar or va...

Anthurium Hookeri

Anthurium hookeri plants need bright but indirect ...

Anthurium Hookeri Variegata

Variegated Birds Nest Anthurium is a medium sized ...

Anthurium Jenmani Cobra


Anthurium King Of Spades Golden

Anthurium King of Spades (Anthurium Haji Ulih) is ...

Anthurium Laxurian Hybrid

This new Anthurium hybrid is an easy-to-grow addit...

Anthurium Macrolobium

Anthurium Macrolobium Rare Variety plant. They pre...

Anthurium Magnificum X Kos

Anthurium King of Spades x Anthurium Ace of Spades...

Anthurium Papillilaminum Golden

Anthurium papillilaminum Golden stands out with it...

Anthurium Pointed Pink

The flowers are very attractive pink-colored minia...

Anthurium Polystichum

Anthurium polystichum is a beautiful vining specie...

Anthurium Radicans × Luxurians

This plant has heart shaped leaves with a bullate ...

Anthurium Regale

This is the Anthurium regale but very rare. It has...

Anthurium Silver Blush

Anthurium Crystallinum Silver Blush is one of the ...

Anthurium Vitarifolium

Anthurium vittarifolium is a gorgeous strap-leafed...

Anthurium Vittarifolium Variegated

The Anthurium vittarifolium variegated has long, g...

Anthurium Wendlingeri

Anthurium wendlingeri is an unusually striking pla...

Anthurium Willdenowii

Anthurium willdenowii is a climbing species native...

Anthurium Zara Michelle

Anthurium Michelle x Zara These vigorous plants ex...

Ballet Rex Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Begonia Exotica

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Beleaf Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Broken Heart Plant

One of the most popular houseplants, this easy gro...

Caladium Bicolor

Caladium is a genus of flowering plants in the fam...

Caladium Bicolor Beauty

These tropical plants are ideal for shaded garden ...

Caladium Florida Clown

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage....

Caladium Florida Sweetheart

A darling for mixed container plantings, Caladium ...

Caladium Schomburgkii

Caladium Schomburgkii can handle low light, but if...

Caladium Shycool

This plant is commonly known as spilled paint. It ...

Caladium Smiling Sunshine

Good Bright indirect Sunlight plants give amazing ...

Caladium Spider

Green Spider is one of the beautiful and unique or...

Caladium Verigated

Good Bright indirect Sunlight plants give amazing ...

Calathea Beauty Star

The Beauty Star, along with Calathea Medallion are...

Calathea Bella Carlina

This full-leafed, striped green variety of calathe...

Calathea Burle Marxii Plant

The Calathea Burle Marxii, commonly called the Fis...

Calathea Concinna

This magnificent tropical plant is truly unique. C...

Calathea Dottie

Calathea plants in general come from tropical area...

Calathea Electric Shock

This is a relatively new hybrid – with bright ye...

Calathea Lancifolia

Long and narrow, the leaves have ruffled edges tha...

Calathea Lietzei Fusion Yellow

It is a spectacular looking plant that can be grow...

Calathea Lutea

Calathea lutea is one of the taller species of the...

Calathea Lutea Variegated

Variegated Calathea Lutea, commonly known asVarieg...

Calathea Makoyana

The Calathea Makoyana or Peacock Plant as it is mo...

Calathea Maranta Kerchoveana

Maranta leuconeura, also known as prayer plant,Sma...

Calathea Maranta Leuconeura Red Vein

The Prayer Plant has variegated ovate leaves with ...

Calathea Marion

The foliage of this highly decorative plant could ...

Calathea Musaica

Calathea Musaica (aka Goeppertia kegeljanii) is a ...

Calathea Musaica Variegated

Calathea musaica, also known as the network calath...

Calathea Orbifolia

The Calathea orbifolias oversized leaves are strip...

Calathea Ornata

The Calathea Ornata also called the Calathea Pinst...

Calathea Peacock Ginger

The Kaempferia pulchra, more commonly known as Pea...

Calathea Picturata Vandenheckei

Calathea Picturata Vandenheckei with dark green le...

Calathea Prayer Plant

The Calathea Burle Marx, commonly called the Praye...

Calathea Roseopicta

The Rose painted calathea, with its clump forming ...

Calathea Rufibarba Green

Calathea Rufibarba Green have straight shiny leave...

Calathea Stromanthe Sanguinea

The Stromanthe Triostar is one of those sensationa...

Calathea Variegated Corona Prayer Plant

Calathea is one of the most beautiful houseplants,...

Calathea Vittata

Grows in an upright, clumping habit. The common na...

Calathea Warscewiczii

Calathea warscewiczii is one of the most remarkabl...

Calathea White Fusion

Place your Calathea in a room that gets a medium a...

Calathea Zebrina

Every member of the Calathea family is a star owin...

Camouflage Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Cardwell Lily

This is a rare tropical bulb for collectors. This ...

Cast Iron

The common name cast iron plant speaks to their du...

China Curl

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Colocasia Aloha

Dark green with an olive foliage and vibrant green...

Colocasia Black Marble

Unique Plant from thailand...

Colocasia Black Coral

Colocasia esculenta, commonly called taro or eleph...

Colocasia Black Lava

Colocasia Black Lava has glossy dark maroon large ...

Colocasia Black Magic

Black Magic has the deepest, darkest coloured leav...

Colocasia Coffee Cups

A fast grower to about 3-5 feet tall and wide, Cof...

Colocasia Diamond Head

Colocasia esculenta Diamond Head forms a gorgeous ...

Colocasia Elena

Colocasia esculenta Elena. The elephants-ear plant...

Colocasia Esculenta Blue Hawai

The elephants-ear plant gets its name from the lea...

Colocasia Esculenta Mojito

Colocasia esculenta, commonly called taro or eleph...

Colocasia Lemon Lime Gecko

Colocasia esculenta Lemon-Lime Gecko is an elephan...

Colocasia Leopard

Original Thailand species ...

Colocasia Light Pillar

Colocasia Light Pillars has very attractive large ...

Colocasia Maui Sunrise

Colocasia esculenta Maui Sunrise is the latest in ...

Colocasia Milky Way

Colocasia Milky Way is a Hawaiian hybrid with attr...

Colocasia Morning Dew

Amazing elephant ear with very large glossy green ...

Colocasia Nancy Revenge

Leaves light to dark green, with bright yellow mar...

Colocasia Papua Manise

Papua manise Colocasia Esculenta species Elephant ...

Colocasia Pharaohs Mask

A unique variety, Pharaohs Mask has bright green l...

Colocasia Queen Of Phoenix

Colocasia Queen of Phoenix has very attractive lar...

Colocasia Redemption

Colocasia Redemption is one of the most dramatic h...

Colocasia Siam Ruby

Rare Colocasia Siam Ruby esculenta species ...

Colocasia White Lava

Eye-catching Elephant Ear features large, glossy g...

Colocasia Yellow Black

Unique Plant from thailand...

Crinkle Leaf Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Devils Backbone Curly Leaves

Pedilanthus Curly Leaves or Devils Backbone Curly ...

Devils Backbone Green

Euphorbia tithymaloides Green is an excellent hous...

Devils Backbone Variegated

Euphorbia tithymaloides variegate is an excellent ...

Dracaena Arborea

Dracaena arborea, also known as the slender dragon...

Dracaena Fragrans

Dracaena fragrans, commonly known as corn plant dr...

Dracaena Green Jewel

With its distinctive, sword-shaped leaves and its ...

Dracaena Janet Craig Compacta

Janet Craig Compacta dracaena cultivar is an idea...

Dracaena Lisa

Dracaena fragrans Lisa, also known as Lisa corn pl...

Dracaena Marginata Tricolor

Dracaena Marginata Tricolor, also known as rainbow...

Dracaena Massangeana

Dracaena Massangeana, commonly known as the corn p...

Dracaena Red Edged

The red-edged dracaena plant (Dracaena Marginata) ...

Dracaena Reflexa Variegata

The Song of India dracaena is a spectacular orname...

Dracaena Sanderiana

Lucky bamboo is a type of dracaena plant with thic...

Dracaena Song Of Jamaica

Dracaena Reflexa Song of Jamaica, is a mesmerizin...

Duarten Rex Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Dwarf Spoon Leaf Sansevieria

What differs sansevieria concinna from the other s...

Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue

Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue is a rare trailing p...

Epipremnum Pinnatum Golden Flame Variegata

Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Flame is the yellow var...

Eranthemum Red

Designed for versatility, this plant boasts a comp...


The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Fairy Rex Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Fire Flash

A distant cousin to the Chlorophytum comosum Spide...

Giant Taro

Alocasia Macrorrhizos is also known as Giant Uprig...

Golden Money Plant

A darling of home gardeners everywhere, the Money ...

Grandis Alba

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...


The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Herons Pirouette

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Homalomena Camouflage

Homalomena Camouflage has beautifully variegated l...

Homalomena Variegated

A rare tropical plant that loves humidity. Its pre...

Hoya Hearts

Hoya kerrii, also referred to colloquially as Hoya...

Hybrid Croton

Croton are grown for their vibrantly coloured leav...

Jurassic Silver Swirl

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Large Philodendron Orange Marmalade

Philodendron Orange Marmalade is a beautiful varie...

Lemon Lime Dracaena

Dracaena lemon lime is one of the best houseplants...

Lemon Surprise Dracaena

Lemon Surprise dracaena plants have stunning varie...

Limelight Dracaena

The attractive feature of Limelight dracaena plant...

Marble Money Plant

The stunning Money Plant Marble features unique wh...


The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Mature Philodendron Caramel Marble

This same plant is for sale. Caramel Marble is ...

Merry Christmas Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Money Plant

Money plant is one of the easiest plants to be pro...

Monstera Borsigiana Variegata

Monstera Albo borsigiana or Monstera borsigiana Al...

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera are species of evergreen tropical vines a...

Monstera Obliqua Peru

Monstera Obliqua has bigger and wider leaves than ...

Monstera Peru

Monstera Peru is a species of the monstera plant. ...

Monstera Peru Variegated

The Monstera Peru Variegata boasts beautifully var...

Monstera Pinnatipartita

Monstera Pinnatipartita is a rare evergreen and be...

Monstera Siltepecana

Like other Monstera species, it is a vining plant ...

N-joy Money Plant

The Money Plant N-Joy features variegated glossy h...

Painted Leaf Rex Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Pandanus Golden Variegated

Pandanus is perennial evergreen tree with thin lon...

Paul Gibory Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Pedilanthus Green

The leaves are dark green that is almost black, su...

Pedilanthus Variegated

Pedilanthus Nana Variegata is a very unusual succu...

Persian Shield

It is easy to see how Strobilanthes was dubbed the...

Philodendron El Choco Red

The Philodendron rubijuvenile El Choco Red is a st...

Philodendron Adansonii Variegated

Variegated adansonii is a rare tropical plant. Gre...

Philodendron Amplissimum

Epipremnum Amplissimum Silver Streak also known as...

Philodendron Amydrium Medium Mint Variegated

Amydrium Medium variegated is a distinctive aroid ...

Philodendron Atabapoense

This plant is native to the Southern region of Ven...

Philodendron Atom

The philodendron atom is a plant that grows natura...

Philodendron Billietiae

Philodendron billietiae is known especially for it...

Philodendron Billietiae Black

A long narrow leaf Philo with darker leaves than B...

Philodendron Billietiae Variegated

With its colorful, variegated leaves, this philode...

Philodendron Bipennifolium

Bipennifolium philodendron is a large foliaged hou...

Philodendron Bipinnatifidum

The philodendron bipinnatifidum falls into a famil...

Philodendron Birkin

Birkins are an upright variety developed as a cros...

Philodendron Birkin Pink

A stunning and rare philodendron with beautiful gr...

Philodendron Black Cardinal

The stunning philodendron Black Cardinal is identi...

Philodendron Black Chocolate

Philodendron Black Chocolate is a low growing clum...

Philodendron Black Knight

The two popular types of Philodendron are climbers...

Philodendron Black Majesty

Black Majesty Philodendron a worldwide sensation a...

Philodendron Bob Cee

Philodendron Bob Cee is a gorgeous, tropical house...

Philodendron Bob Cee Variegated

Philodendron Bob Cee Variegated is a gorgeous, tr...

Philodendron Brandtianum

If you are a fan of variegation, brandtianum will ...

Philodendron Brandtianum Wild Form

Philodendron Brandtianum Wild Form is an amazing p...

Philodendron Brasil Money Plant

Philodendron Hederaceum Brasil is known as the Swe...

Philodendron Burle Marx

The philodendron burle marx (Philodendron burle ma...

Philodendron Burle Marx Flame

This Monstera Burle Marx Flame also likes high hum...

Philodendron Calkins Gold

The Philodendron Calkins Gold is a very unique and...

Philodendron Caramel Marble

The foliage of the Caramel Marble Philodendron is ...

Philodendron Ceylon Golden Plant

Philodendron Ceylon Gold is an evergreen, ornament...

Philodendron Dark Lord

Philodendron dark lord is an easy to care plant de...

Philodendron Distantilobhum

Philodendron Distantilobum is a hardly known and r...

Philodendron Domesticum Variegata

A new variety of climbing variegated philodendron ...

Philodendron Elegans

Philodendron elegans or Skeleton Key Philodendron ...

Philodendron Emerald Ice

This specimen has very high variegation. Species n...

Philodendron Ernestii

Philodendron ernestii is a tropical plant that is ...

Philodendron Esmeraldence

Philodendron Esmeraldense is an attractive and vib...

Philodendron Fat Boy

Philodendron Fat Boy is a tropical plant known for...

Philodendron Fibraecataphyllum

Philodendron SP Peru is a very beautiful and rare ...

Philodendron Florida Beauty Variegated

Like most Philodendrons, this variety prefers mois...

Philodendron Florida Bronze

This plant has stunning deep bronze foliage on eme...

Philodendron Florida Ghost Mint

Philodendron Florida Ghost is an absolutely stunni...

Philodendron Genevievianum

Philodendron Genevievianum is a rare plant that fe...

Philodendron Giganteum Blizzard

Philodendron Giganteum Variegated is a beautiful e...

Philodendron Gigas

Philodendron Gigas is a tropical indoor plant that...

Philodendron Gloriosum

This proud perennial is a shining example of why t...

Philodendron Goeldi

Philodendron Goeldii is also known as Finger Leaf ...

Philodendron Gold Cardinal

The Philodendron Gold Cardinal is a man-made hybri...

Philodendron Golden Crocodile

Philodendron golden crocodile is an epiphytic clim...

Philodendron Golden Dragon

Their most specific structure is the size of their...

Philodendron Golden Selloum

Selloum Golden has neon green large, shiny and lob...

Philodendron Golden Xanadu

The golden variety of Xanadu is a hybrid with Neon...

Philodendron Green Congo Variegated

The Philodendron Green Congo Hybrid Variegated pla...

Philodendron Hedricianum Verigated

Philodendron hederaceum variegata is a climbing ar...

Philodendron Ilsemanii

Philodendron ilsemanii is a stunning tropical plan...

Philodendron Imperial Gold

The Imperial Gold philodendron variety is easy to ...

Philodendron Imperial Red

Philodendron Imperial Red is a beautiful foliage p...

Philodendron Joepii

n the world of Philodendron species, names can be ...

Philodendron Jungle Fever Variegated

This hard-to-find Philodendron Jungle Fever boasts...

Philodendron Little

LittlePhilodendron is a compact form of Philodendr...

Philodendron Lupinum

Philodendron lupinum is a hemiepiphyte that belong...

Philodendron Lynette

An interesting self heading philodendron with long...

Philodendron Mamei

Philodendron mamei is a species of plant in the ge...

Philodendron Martianum

Philodendron Martianum is native to Brazil. The pl...

Philodendron Mayoi

Philodendron mayoi has attractive, dark green, spl...

Philodendron Mccolley

Philodendron Mccolleys Finale is a hybrid known fo...

Philodendron Mcdowell

The Philodendron McDowell is a fast-growing plant ...

Philodendron Melanochrysum

You will love its charming heart-shaped leaves tha...

Philodendron Melinonii

Philodendron Melinonii is an evergreen, large-leaf...

Philodendron Mexicanum

The first thing you notice on the philodendron Me...

Philodendron Micans Pink

An evergreen tropical plant, Philodendron Micans P...

Philodendron Microstictum

Philodendron Microstictum is an eye-catching plant...

Philodendron Mirabilis

The Cercestis mirabilis, otherwise known as the Wo...

Philodendron Monstera Bulbasaur

Leaf is green with large area light green variegat...

Philodendron Monstera Deliciosa Starlight

Bright, indirect light is best, but can tolerate l...

Philodendron Monstera Minima

Mini monstera is a popular houseplant that looks l...

Philodendron Moonlight

This lime-colored Philodendron gets its Moonlight ...

Philodendron Mottled Dragon

Philodendron mottled dragon is a high-growth plant...

Philodendron Orange Marmalade

Philodendron Orange Marmalade is a beautiful house...

Philodendron Orange Princess

The Philodendron Orange Princess Variegated plant ...

Philodendron Orlando

The Philodendron Green Orlando is a new cultivar w...

Philodendron Paintedlady

This plant is grown for its beautiful foliage. Alt...

Philodendron Panduriforme

The Philodendron Panduriforme is known for its bea...

Philodendron Paraiso Verde

Philodendron Paraiso Verde features extraordinary ...

Philodendron Pastazanum

Philodendron pastazanum is a creeper and the rhizo...

Philodendron Pedatum

Philodendron pedatum has leathery leaf blades whic...

Philodendron Pink Princess

The variegated pink leaves have made this plant a ...

Philodendron Pink Princess Giant

The Philodendron Pink Princess is a truly unique p...

Philodendron Plowmanii

Philodendron plowmanii is a terrestrial or epiphyt...

Philodendron Pluto Black

This hybrid philodendron have very unique foliage ...

Philodendron Pluto Green

Pluto has tiger tooth shaped leaves with dark gree...

Philodendron Polypodioides

Its leaves have a delightful heart shape with a gl...

Philodendron Prince Albert

The Philodendron Prince Albert and the Philodendro...

Philodendron Princess Of Orange

The Philodendron Prince of Orange gets its name fr...

Philodendron Red Heart

Philodendron Red Heart is an unusually shaped vari...

Philodendron Ring Of Fire

The ring of fire plant is thought to be a hybrid b...

Philodendron Royal Queen Black

Philodendron Royal Queen Black is a rare tropical ...

Philodendron Rugosum

The most interesting feature of the Philodendron R...

Philodendron Rugosum Aberrant Form

Philodendron rugosum aberrant form, also known as ...

Philodendron Selloum

Selloum appreciates a warm humid environment, and ...

Philodendron Selloum Variegata

One of the variety of this beautiful indoor plant ...

Philodendron Silver Sword

The serene silvery hue is contrasted beautifully b...

Philodendron Simmondsii

Philodendron simmondsii is very attractive aroid, ...

Philodendron Skeleton Key

The unusual and interesting sport of Epipremnum pi...

Philodendron Sodiroi

This rare tropical plant has taken the houseplant ...

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti

Arguably one of the most, if not the rarest Philod...

Philodendron Splendid

The philodendron splendid is a hybrid plant that i...

Philodendron Squamicaule Pink

Philodendron squamicaule Pink is a visually striki...

Philodendron Squamiferum

Philodendron squamiferum, known as Squamiferum for...

Philodendron Strawberry Shake

Strawberry Shake is sought after for its large and...

Philodendron Subhastatum

The Philodendron Subhastatum is especially loved f...

Philodendron Sunred

Philodendron Sun Red is an upright, clumping plant...

Philodendron Temptation

This plant is an evergreen perennial vine. It has ...

Philodendron Tetrasperma

Often referred to as mini monstera deliciosa, rhap...

Philodendron Thai Congo

The Thailand Congo Philodendron is an attractive e...

Philodendron Thai Constellation

Discover the beauty of the Monstera Thai Constella...

Philodendron Tortum

Philodendron tortum is an eye-catching houseplant ...

Philodendron Tortum Wild

Philodendron tortum, sometimes called Fernleaf Phi...

Philodendron Variegated Golden Dragon Mint

This rare gem mesmerizes with its unique foliage, ...

Philodendron Verrucosum

The Philodendron verrucosum is a striking plant, k...

Philodendron Violin Variegated

If you want a Philodendron Violin Variegated to gr...

Philodendron Warsceiweichi

Philodendron warscewiczii is a distinct and abnorm...

Philodendron Wendlandii

The leaves are a deep green color. It is a slow-gr...

Philodendron Whipple Way

The Philodendron Whipple Way is a rare, tropical v...

Philodendron White Knight

This gorgeous variety of philodendron has pretty w...

Philodendron White Princess

The white princess is a hybrid plant similar to th...

Philodendron Xanadu

Thaumatophyllum xanadu is a perennial plant belong...

Philodendron Xanadu Variegated

The Philodendron Variegated Xanadu is an extremely...

Philodendron Zebra

Philodendron gloriosum zebra differs from the stan...

Philodendron Zippelianum

This philodendron is an excellent low maintenance ...

Pink Charming Rex Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Polka Dot Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Red Kiss Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Red Shaded Calathea Lutea

Red Shaded Calathea Lutea, commonly known as Red S...

Red Undies

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Rhaphidophora Pinnata Plant

Extremely deeply lobed leaves resembling a palm mo...

Ring Of Fire

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Salsa Rex Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Sansevieria Ballyi

Sansevieria Ballyi, also known as Ballys Snake Pla...

Sansevieria Bella Platinum

Beautiful bluish platinum/silver coloured leaves w...

Sansevieria Black Jack

Snake Plant Black Jack, also known as Sansevieria ...

Sansevieria Copper

The Sansevieria Coppertone, also known as the Copp...

Sansevieria Cylindrica

The African spear plant (Sansevieria cylindrica), ...

Sansevieria Dumetescens Variegated

Quite a beautiful colour scheme. Solid green with ...

Sansevieria Ed Eby-patens

This was known as Ed Eby, then changed to patens, ...

Sansevieria Emerald Windmill

Dark green foliage with a thin margin. Stiff foli...

Sansevieria Fernwood Mikado

Sansevieria Fernwood Mikado is a compact hybrid Sn...

Sansevieria Golden Flame

Sansevieria Trifasciata Golden Flame, Rare Snake P...

Sansevieria Golden Haini

The Golden Hahnii (Sansevieria Golden Hahnii) is a...

Sansevieria Hahnii Silver Streaker

Sansevieria Hahnii Silver Streaker is a small snak...

Sansevieria Hu-chang

This is a cross between Masoniana and Kirkii Silve...

Sansevieria Hybrid Fenomenal

A unique succulent with stunning looks. Easy care,...

Sansevieria Hybrid Diva

Sansevieria Hybrid Diva is a beautiful, low-mainte...

Sansevieria Imported Hybrid

Enhances the beauty of the space, bring peace and ...

Sansevieria Pfisteri

Sansevieria Pfisteri is a beautiful, low-maintena...

Sansevieria Rahwana Large

This plant is one of the most recognizable and pop...

Sansevieria Rookie

Sansevieria Rookie A beautiful Thai hybrid Snake P...

Sansevieria Silver

The Silver Queen is relatively easy to grow. Over...

Sansevieria Silver Crown Boncel

The Sansevieria Boncel Silver Crown is a less comm...

Sansevieria Trifasciata Silver Steel

Sansevieria trifasciata Silver Steel is a dwarf gr...

Sansevieria Watermark

Sansevieria Watermark is one of the best Sansevier...

Sansevieria Whitney

Whitney is a dwarf variety that has dark green lea...

Sansveria Whale Fin

Native to the African Congo, the Whale Fin Sansevi...

Satin Money Plant

Satin Money Plant has large, matted, pale green, h...

Schefflera Gold

The Schefflera originates from Australia and New Z...

Silver Siam Sansevieria

Sansevieria Siam Silver,also known as Tom Grumbley...

Silver Squill

Ledebouria silver squill is one tough little plant...

Spider Plant

They originate in South Africa and Asia. Easy to m...

Spitfire Rex Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

T Rex Painters Palette

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

T Rex Ruby Slippers

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Thai Caladium Porn Kaew

Caladium is a genus of flowering plants in the fam...

Tornado Rex Begonia

The large leaves looked great all summer. It is a ...

Treubii Moonlight

The plants are very similar to Pothos, but the lea...

Variegated Hoya Kerrii

Heart-shaped Hoya kerrii is easy to grow as a hous...

Variegated Ribbon Grass

Variegated ribbon grass is a versatile plant that ...

Varieties Of Bigonia

The genus contains more than 2,000 different plant...

Warneckii Dracaena

Warneckii is one of the most popular variegated dr...

Yellow Green Dracaena Victoria

The ornamental Dracaena Victoria plant will enhanc...

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